About 80% Of Autoimmune Disease Cases Are In Women. Experts Explain Reasons Behind Increased Prevalence In Females
parotid gland inflammation :: Article Creator Salivary Gland Disease The major salivary glands produce approximately one quart of saliva each day, which in turn plays a crucial role in food digestion, swallowing, speech, and protection of teeth against bacteria and decay. Obstruction or blockage of the salivary glands is relatively common, affecting up to 2% of the population. Salivary gland obstruction results in pain and swelling in the cheek or under the jawline while eating, and foul-tasting drainage into the mouth. Such obstruction can also progress to severe infection associated with high fevers, pain, and progressive swelling. Common Causes Salivary gland blockage can result from multiple causes including salivary stones, narrowing of the duct by scar tissue, dehydration, side-effects of certain medications, autoimmune diseases and tumors. Radioiodine treatment, often used in the treatment of thyroid cancer, is also associated with sal...