Spinal gout: Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and more - Medical News Today
Spinal gout is a form of gout that affects areas of the spine. Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can occur due to a buildup of uric acid. If the body is unable to remove excess uric acid, urate crystals can form around joints, causing pain and inflammation. In severe cases, deposits of uric acid can also form under the skin. These deposits are known as tophi. Without treatment, gout may spread to other areas of the body, including the spine. Spinal gout can cause back pain, weakness, loss of sensation, tingling, and cramping sensations. This article looks at how spinal gout develops, diagnosis, treatment options, and the outlook for people with the condition. According to a 2021 report, spinal gout is a rare form of gout that affects the spine, most commonly the lumbar spine. The report states that spinal gout may affect 22–35% of people, but many cases may go undiagnosed due to a wide range of symptoms and a lack of awareness around the condition. Gout is a kind of inflamm...