Occupational Asthma: Causes, Prevention & More - Healthline
Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes a narrowing of the airways in your lungs and trouble breathing. Occupational asthma happens when you inhale asthma triggers in your workplace — it's also referred to as work-related asthma. Breathing in fumes, gases, dust, or other harmful substances can all contribute to the development of occupational asthma. Symptoms are similar to other forms of asthma and include wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. In these cases, symptoms usually improve once you move away from the irritant at your workplace. Keep reading to learn why occupational asthma develops, who's at risk, and what can be done to prevent it. Asthma is a chronic condition that causes inflammation in your airways. Asthma can have many underlying causes. For example, seasonal allergic asthma is caused by allergens like pollen or mold spores. Occupational asthma is the most common work-related lung disease. It's a specific type of asthma caused by breathi...