START THE WEEK OFF RIGHT: Oral care matters and can save lives - Quad-City Times
News-Journal, File Craig Cooper Genesis Health System Oral health is a vital measure of general health and well-being. Providing good oral care in hospital settings can prevent illness and save lives. At Genesis Medical Center, a Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation study is currently being conducted to analyze the relationship between oral care and Non-Ventilator Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP). The improvement project focuses on prioritizing oral care as a critical nursing intervention in patients, improving patient compliance with oral care routines and improving staff and leader knowledge of the mouth/body link to disease. The project consists of baseline surveys, knowledge assessments, snapshot audits and rounding by staff to gather data and extensive education initiatives. The ultimate goal is to decrease NV-HAPs in hospitalized patients, prevent extended hospitalizations and reduce unnecessary costs. Genesis also is distributing ...